Price Table Examples

Basic plan
  • Competitor analysis
  • Design prototyping
  • Design development
  • 1 homepage
  • Contact page
  • Product page
Standart plan
  • Competitor analysis
  • Design prototyping
  • Design development
  • 2 homepages
  • 5 inner pages
  • 2 product pages
Store plan
  • Competitor analysis
  • Design prototyping
  • Design development
  • Homepage
  • 5 category pages
  • 4 product pages
Basic plan
$499per month
  • Competitor analysis
  • Design prototyping
  • Design development
  • 1 homepage
  • Contact page
  • Product page
Standart plan
$799per month
  • Competitor analysis
  • Design prototyping
  • Design development
  • 2 homepages
  • 5 inner pages
  • 2 product pages
Your Shop
$1299per month
  • Competitor analysis
  • Design prototyping
  • Design development
  • Homepage
  • 5 category pages
  • 4 product pages
Website Design
Basic plan
  • Customized Store Design
  • jQuery Rotating Banner
  • Interactive Menu
  • Inquiry Form
Mobile Webdesign
Advanced plan
  • Customized Store Design
  • jQuery Rotating Banner
  • Interactive Menu
  • Inquiry Form
  • Responsive Design
  • Mobile Menu
e-store inluded plan
  • Customized Store Design
  • jQuery Rotating Banner
  • Interactive Menu
  • Inquiry Form
  • Responsive Design
  • Mobile Menu
  • Product Details Page
  • Product Catalog
  • Filter Of Products
  • Related Products

We have much planned for the future, working with great clients and continued software development. If you'd like to join our team, then we'd also love to hear from you.

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